Fast! What is he saying?
Can you understand him?
Learning Morse Code is more than memorizing an alphabet
It involves listening, seeing, recognizing and actually morsing. In this way knowledge becomes an ability
Morse code is not that difficult.
Here an overview:
A: ·–
B: –···
C: –·–·
D: –··
E: ·
F: ··–·
G: ––·
H: ····
I: ··
J: ·–––
K: –·–
L: ·–··
M: ––
N: –·
O: –––
P: ·––·
Q: ––·–
R: –·–
S: ···
T: –
U: ··–
V: ···–
W: ·––
X: –··–
Y: ––·–
Learn Morse code right on your phone

4.5 out of 5

Learn by doing.
This app was developed by Joshua Manuel Schmidt
More about me
©Joshua Schmidt 2023